With dreams in my eyes, I sit here and wait
Knowing you for so long I know you'll be late
Yet I sit here waiting for you to come
I do have for company the setting sun
Though it's been so long
I still feel you all along
Your thoughts, your words, your whisper...
A lady here calls for her dog - Casper
There is a wait so visible in my eyes
I try to hide it with my umpteen lies
But then how do I lie to myself
Or hide all my pains in an antic shelf
Lost in a reverie of day's gone by
I try to distract myself, I dont wanna sigh
But the memories flooding into me;
What we've lost, they want me to see
Why did it happen, what went wrong
Thought we could keep ourselves from the bad world around
Were they just dreams we once saw
Or are we mere pawns abiding anothers law
Am stil here waiting, on my own
Yet i keep hoping you'll soon take me home
Walk beside me a couple in their prime
I sit here and wonder, will this joy ever be mine
Tear's well up, I cant stop them now
All I pray for is a little bit of love
The sun's set now, birds have gone home
Sitting here this twilight, I am but all alone
In autumn the tree's, do shed their leaves
But can everything thats tattered, be made right with just a seive
As time passes, disappear the leaves that have rotten
Aint life too fragile, like leaves of autumn...