Been tossed and turned, shown the door every time I try
Do they know what happens once its shut, how much I do cry
The tears that flow burn my cheeks, ask me to 'NO MORE'
To not be there only when others want, instead to show them the door
" For honestly don't they know, do they even care
If else why do their eyes, only glare
Each time you go, try showing your love
They push you off, Oh and how
Why should they matter when for them you don't
Waited so long and yet change, they sure wont
If it's a stranger they want, give them just that
You don't need anyone, give yourself a pat
Did come we all alone, and alone shall we go
On the way we meet people, one friend one foe
Journey of yours is long ahead, no point to halt
And each time your bout to stumble, remember the words of this salt "
Been a fool, me, my entire life, time i stop, say 'NO MORE'
Shall pick the pieces of my life and up above I'll soar
Alone shall I face this world, face all my fears
For now it's time, time I listen to my tears...
Beautiful...very touching!